Develop the Mindset for Success 建立成功的心態
Learning Objectives
1. Create your definition
2. Understand the Five D’s Of Success
3. Set SMART & HEART Goals
What does Success mean to you ?
Popular Quote-Success
What is success? It is being able to go to bed each night with your soul at peace.
Five D’s of Success
1. Definition
2. Desire
3. Destination
4. Direction
5. Determination
1. Gain Clarity
2. Priorities
3. Can you have it All?
1. Why do you want to be successful?
2. Is it YOUR desire ?
3. Are you ready to work for it ?
Desire -> Motivation
- Autonomy
- Mastery
- Purpose
Popular Quote-Motivation
If you can dream it, you can do it. (Walt Disney)
1. How will you get there ?
2. Do you have te resources?
3. Are you ready to Learn ?
Direction -> Leadership Elements
- Vision
- Strategy
- Skillset
- Mindset
- Energy
Popular Quote-Leadership
A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way , and shows the way. ( John C. Maxwell)
Leadership Element=> Mindset
- Growth vs. Fixed
- Continuous Learning
- Feedback
Mindset => Fixed vs. Growth
- A fixed mind-set assumes that a person’s character, intelligence, and creative ability are fixed, and can’t change in any meaningful way.
- A growth mind-set thrives on challenges, and sees failures not as evidence of unintelligence, but as a springboard for frowth and stretching our existing abilities.
Mindset=> Continuous Learning
Governing Cariables
Goals, values, beliefs, Conceptual frameworks
Why we do what we do
1>Action Strategies and Techniques
What we do
1>Results and Consequences
What we obtain
Single-Loop Learning (green to red)
Most common learning style, problem solving
Double-Loop Learning (green to blue)
More than problem solving, this learning style reevaluated and refranes goals, values, etc.
Life Long Learning
1. Observe
2. Understand
3. Apply
Mindset => 360 degree Feedback
- Receive feedback from colleagues, subordinates, and supervisors.
- You will see your strengths and weaknesses from other angles.
New mindset => new result
1. Know where you need to reach
2. How will you know when you have reached?
3. Celebrate small victories
Determination => Goal Setting
- Short Term
- Long Term
- Types of Goals
1. Focus
2. Positive Thinking
3. Higher Mental Faculties
Determination => Focus
- Don’t lose sight of your goal. Don’t let others issues distract you easily.
- Prioritize, manage and delegate challenges quickly as they arise.
The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like FOCUS. (Bruce Lee)
Determination =>Positive Thinking
- Believe in yourself
- Understand the Law of Attraction
- Maintain a positive frame of thoughts.
Determination => Higher Mental Faculties
- Reason
- Will Power
- Perception
- Memory
- Intuition
- Imagination
Mental Faculty-Reason
- Used to draw conclusions from ideas or situations.
- Can be illogical and based on a set of false assumptions or untested results.
Mental Faculty-Will Power
- People with high will power do not give up easily.
- It is like a muscle, you need to build it.
- You can lose will power when you are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired.
Mental Faculty-Perception
- Process by which people gain an understanding of the information we attain through the physical senses.
- Affects the entire worldview and how we react socially to others.
Mental Faculty-Memory
- Success largely comes about from the availability of information and nothing is better than information available instantly from memory.
Mental Faculty- Intuition
- Intuition is called a “gut” feeling because it doesn’t seem to come from the mind.
- These feelings can often be useful because they are instantaneous and can be implemented in situation where time is of utmost importance.
- Successful people often credit their intuition for helping them along the way.
How can I be more Creative?
Mental Faculty-Imagination
- Helps people to solve complex problems simply by thinking about them and envisioning the possible outcomes of specific actions
HEART Goal Setting
1. Healthy
2. Enduring
3. Alluring
4. Relevant
5. Truth